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Saturday, August 26, 2017

An A-Z to ELT

Honestly, I had no idea what does ELT mean before. So, when I opened blogs of references I was quite confused what blog that I read and I just randomly clicked them. Yesterday I decided to open the last blog and when I saw that, I already talked to myself that I will like this site. Why? I was little bit interested with the title, “An A-Z of ELT” and I was like whoa really? From A- Z? And then I continued to read the blog.

My favorite word so far is W. Women in ELT. That part describes how women contribute on ELT and the most well-known woman is Sylvia Ashton-Warner, One time, she released her first novel, Spinster, which is explained all her ideas and one of them is “teaching will be much simpler now, and there’ll be more time for conversation”.



  1. Hi Anggie,

    I also like A-Z of ELT. Could you include the blog link to your post?

    I'm glad that now you understand a bit about ELT; it stands for English Language Teaching. Hmm, that is an interesting quote. Do you think now your classes are mostly filled with conversations rather than teaching?

  2. Hello again, Miss

    Yes I already put the link beneath my post.

    Well, in my observation so far I don't think my classes haven't applied that method. As we know you've been teaching my speaking class for a year and most of us (perhaps include me) still speak Bahasa even Javanese and honestly, we are passive students because if you don't ask, we wouldn't answer..

    In my deepest heart, I really want to speak up like English student used to but on the other side I wouldn't do that because I'm trying give my friends opportunity to speak out loud at class without hesitation even we make mistakes because as you know, we are here for learning tho..

    That's all my opinion Miss. Thank you :)

  3. Hi, Anggie!

    Your blog's choice is quite interesting. You are right. Nowadays, the era is the emancipation's era where woman and/or girl can be everything she wants. Starting to be a teacher until a doctor. It is also for being a writer, and also contributing on ELT. Besides the era, as we know now that English is the first international language. So, want it or not - like it or not, we should master it as well since AEC has started. We have to work with workers from so many countries in ASEAN.
    The most important point is that it does not matter even for woman and/or girl to be a good person having a good job in all work field as well.

    Thank you.

  4. hi anggie!! Thank you for the brief information about ELT through your blog. would love you to write more so it will be more informative because you have a really interesting title there ! Yeah Go Girl :D

  5. Hai anggie!
    Well to be honest, I don't know what is ELT either!
    A a woman myself, I always find myself proud, if there are a woman out there do something for the world.
    Can't wait for your next one!

  6. Hi Anggie!
    I can imagined your expression and your voice when you write "whoa really." Hahaha
    By the way, I also like the "an A-Z of ELT" blog. I have goosebumps when I read the title. I couldn't imagine how can a person make such a fascinating blog like that. My guts said that the author from the blog is a very creative person. Blessed his/her life.
    oh, and blessed your life too enji :D
    Don't forget to keep sharing useful blog like the one above.

  7. I also like you. For the first time, I had no idea what is ELT. Thank God that nowadays, many women have a great job out there, also in education carrier. I agree that these days teaching is simpler than before.


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