Look Out!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

About Me

Hola, my name's Anggie. I'd like to show you what kind the person I am!
Well, when I made that Voki, I was trying to make it as similar as I am :)


I hope you enjoy that cutie video above this!


  1. A nice classy-looking voki, Anggie. It somewhat looks like you. My guess is that you do fancy drinking juice because, to me, you seem like you pay attention to your nutrition intake. hehe

    Is statement 3 a lie? I hope it is because you'll be doing a lot of reading for your classes.

  2. Thank you so much Ms for the first person who commented my first post :)

    No way, you can guess it totally correct :D because not every person knows that I'm kind of girl who likes reading.. The first impression when people look at me is I'm an ignorant person hehe

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Angie, I like your voki. I suppose the third statement is a lie because I know the first one is a truth but I am not sure about the second.


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